Live it with PASSION and LOVE.充滿愛與熱情的活著

Welcome to Percy's World. Every soul exists for a reason. Let's find our own passion and take it to its extreme. 歡迎來到波西的世界。每個靈魂都有存在的使命與意義。找到屬於自己生命熱衷與熱愛的種子,是超級無敵重要的事情。

"If you want to build something big, you have to start with a small step! 千里之行,始於足下。"

I am Percy Lin. I'm gay, an artist, an MLM entrepreneur. I'm dedicated to promoting things that are related to love, passion, prevention medicine and residual income. If any of the descriptions above doesn't strike your fancy, feel free to leave the site. Otherwise, you are welcome to stay, browse the sites and interact with me. 我是林柏成,一位傳直銷同志藝術家。我致力於推廣與愛、熱情、預防醫學和被動收入的事物。如果您不喜歡任何以上的敘述,您可以選擇自由地隨時離開;如果您選擇留下來,歡迎您來到我的世界瀏覽,也期待與您交流互動共振。

Carpe Diem 活在當下

Carpe Diem, seize the day, cherish the moment. To be honest, I used to use them as reasons to be lazy. I'm incredibly grateful that the universe made me realize that it only exists when we truly find and use our gifts, passion, find a suitable track to create assets and pass the knowledge and frequency forward to those in need. Those who want to create a world in LOVE 500 and live it to its fulliest. 活在當下 、把握現在、珍惜光陰。說實話我過去曾經把這些話當作是發懶的理由。很感謝宇宙藉由我身邊的人事物經歷讓我了解,唯有找到並運用自己的天賦與熱情,藉由適合的工具與平台為自己創造資產,並且傳遞這些知識與能量,給需要且有意願共同創造愛500的人們,我們才能真正的活在當下、豐富生命。